Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Special Reunion

I am in the midst of studying for my AP exams (last ones ever!), so I can't write as much as I'd like, but my school had a ceremony honoring the National Merit Finalists last night. We were able to bring a teacher who was influential in our lives. I chose to bring my speech therapist from my elementary school. She helped me develop clear speech, yes, but she also did so much more. She gave me the confidence to speak up for myself, and was also a tireless advocate, ensuring I received the services I needed. She was a guiding light for my mom and I in the early years, and provided us with a wealth of knowledge that helped me get to where I am today. Last night was the first time I saw her since I was in 5th grade, so it was really special! I got to give a short speech about her influence and thanking her as well as my parents.

Me with my speech therapist from elementary school

With my wonderful parents!


  1. Congrats on being a NM finalist! I have now caught up with your whole blog, and am so impressed with how much you have accomplished. Good luck with the last few weeks of high school. BTW, did you end up dropping French? Will you take it at University? Thank you for sharing your story. My little guy is just starting his hearing journey at

    1. Thanks, Ellen! In my school district, we have two separate schools for high school, one for grades 9-10 and another for 11-12. I took French through 10th grade and loved it. When it came time to take it in 11th grade, the French teacher there basically refused to work with me as far as accommodations are concerned(apparently she could not be bothered). I am unable to understand recordings and electronic voices very well, and all I asked was if I could have here read the listening portions aloud to me instead of playing them through the computer or headphones. Thus, due to the teacher's refusal to cooperate, I had to drop it junior year. I really wish I had been able to continue! I am not sure whether I will take it in college. The whole experience with the French teacher really left me with a bad taste, and I am afraid that now I'm too far behind to take it at the university level. At the same time, I really did enjoy it and don't want to let one person stand in the way of that. I shall see!

    2. French at the university level is different. But you were already taking AP French as a freshman, so at university you would probably be in literature classes, which can be so much fun, if you get the right teacher. I was lucky enough to have teachers at Whitman College who really addressed the language, the literature, and the whole historical context of when something was written. I hope the French department of the school you go to is good, and that you take at least a few classes (whatever you can cram in with all the premed req.s). Then, since Spanish is so helpful in the medical profession, you can add Spanish, is MUCH easier after studying French

  2. My son is also just starting his hearing journey. You are inspirational and I pray he does as well as you clearly have.


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