Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Difference- Part 2

This is part 2 in a series. If you haven't already done so, I recommend reading part 1before continuing.

I slowly got up and walked towards the interview room from my desk. An outspoken girl in my class shouted "good luck!" as I got up, but I assured her I had already interviewed and had no idea why I had to go back. I knew it wasn't to say I got in since they told us the list would not be posted for another month.

I hesitantly opened the door and peeked my head in the room. "Come in! Sit down!" they said. Well, they were being friendly... That seemed like a good sign...

Then, one of the teachers explained how during the course of the interviews that morning a girl in another class (who also has CI's) had brought in her FM and stated that the teachers needed to use it. This sparked the teacher's memory (who had visited our classroom before), and she made a comment along the lines of "Hey, last time I had to wear one of these things twice. I wonder if the other girl that used one also applied."

At this point, the girl being interviewed decided to be helpful, and said "Oh, yeah!" and then stated my full name.

This was one of those moments in which I mentally screamed "Really?! Was that really necessary?!"

I can't really blame anyone else, it really wasn't the girl's fault that she shared her knowledge... But I was still slightly annoyed. Anyway, there wasn't much time for me to get annoyed because one of the teachers continued.

"We were shocked... We had no idea, and you speak so well!"

Okay, this wasn't the first time I'd heard this...So far, so good...

"I can understand not wanting to be identified as the girl with hearing loss first," she continued, and told me about how she doesn't introduce her own daughter who has a chronic condition to people as "Jane, the girl with (disease)."

"But," she continued, "we have some concerns."

 "Here it comes," I thought to myself, and I took a deep breath.

Look for part 3 tomorrow!


  1. yeah it sucks. it's the main reason some of us don't put down "deaf" in our resume'. Sounds like when this girl mentioned your name, it seem like she didn't realize she could be dragging you down with her.

  2. Can't wait for the next installment! You should definitely keep blogging. You have no idea how reassuring your blog has been to me as the parent of an elementary school student with hearing loss. Despite all of the issues you have had getting proper accommodations, you are clearly very successful, happy, driven, and well adjusted - something all parents want to see in their children. So keep writing - you're making a difference!


  3. Anon- Yeah, I definitely think it was a completely innocent mistake on her part. It definitely makes me think twice about how I will handle things in the future as college interviews and job interviews with much higher stakes arise. I am glad that they initially got to take me at face value (without knowing about my CI's/hearing loss) so that they could judge me based solely on my qualifications.

    Rebecca- Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! I do think I will keep blogging :) I am so flattered to hear that my writing has been reassuring. I can't say these past few years have been easy, but I've certainly learned a lot. With each obstacle I face, I can say with certainty I am pushed harder to be successful and prove "them" wrong!


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